購物車 購物說明



Cycas Revoluta(鐵樹)

鐵樹 Cycas Revoluta(King Sago Palm)

在東方的風水概念裡,鐵樹有 旺宅、 旺財、 擋煞化災等作用,因此在東西方的文化裡它一直都是非常受喜愛的風水景觀植物。
本公司除了販售 優質的真藏黑米之外,亦有銷售自有農場種植超過25年樹齡、高度2米以上稀有的鐵樹,國內外、零售批發皆歡迎與我們洽詢合作。

The Cycas Revoluta ( King Sago Palm) has the functions of prosperous family, get rich people, and avoid the fierce doom in the feng shui concept of the East countries.
Therefore, it has always been a favorite Feng Shui ornamental plant in the culture of the East and West.
In addition to selling the high-end of black rice products, LeadStar also sells the very precious and rare of Cycas Revoluta ( King Sago Palm) that are grown on own farms for more than 25 years of age, more than 2 meters in height.

Click Here:The Best Horticulture Supplier in Taiwan
麗宸鐵樹 Cycas Revoluta

Welcome to cooperate with us for retail or wholesale in domestic or overseas markets.

Contact: JC Chiang 江先生
Leadstar International Co., Ltd.
E: leadstar101@gmail.com
M: +886 908071675
T: +886 -3 5771075
F: +886 -3 5771095
W: www.leadstar.com.tw

Click Here:The Best Horticulture Supplier in Taiwan